2.7 2022-02-20 popups for Info and Settings marathon mode high score 2.6 2022-02-10 btn.onclick only happens once now! New Game button icons! (but kind of ugly) 2.5 2022-02-02 Next Game button now only displays at the end of a game Unlimited numGuesses needs its own variable in LocalStorage https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/ can't start a Daily puzzle multiple times in the same day (hopefully for reals this time) oops, I forgot to replace the link to the changelog v2.4 2022-01-27 marathon mode! I added a Next Game button to the endgame status window, because that seemed like a good idea v2.3 2022-01-24 Dark Mode is default now (but you're still welcome to change it if you're a heathen) prettified Settings and Tutorial volume slider the link to the tutorial screen is on the game screen, and I got rid of the index screen toggle to switch mode from daily to free v2.2 2022-12-22 hide my donation button unless I want to show it Behold! Now you get feedback in the summary row whenever you find a letter which is in the word, but it's in another castle noise on a successful guess v2.1 2022-12-15 status report is cleaner now If you enter part of a guess, click to another puzzle, and click back, you still get feedback. You shouldn't get any feedback unless you Submit a guess "bonus guess" fading overlay v2.0 2022-12-04 lock the scrollbar you can use Enter and BS to navigate on mobile tutorial don't check for Daily puzzle attempt until you actually submit a guess v1.9 2022-11-29 fixed winrate% flip the newly discovered letters on the previewButton the summary row updates correctly now (perhaps for reals this time) better descriptions for the colors added a gradient for the Near color v1.8 2022-11-22 URLs are case-sensitive when a puzzle has no more unsolved letters, go ahead and solve it winrate stat do a flip animation on the preview button when that puzzle is solved put the name of the current day in the postmortem new favicon v1.7 2022-11-09 I'm renaming this game to 'Cleverdle'. May God have mercy on our souls. updating the summary row for the current wordle in the navigation row, the a href links don't work - but only in fullscreen v1.6 2022-11-02 on mobile, it always says "no, you need to enter a 5-letter word" (this was a problem with my onscreen keyboard) navigation row should hover in place (CSS position:fixed;) Resume/refresh works better now there's now a setting for how far the up/down keys will take you in the puzzles display (because the display scales with your monitor's dimensions, and the program doesn't get to know what those dimensions are) looks better on widescreen monitors (I switched from 'vw' to 'vmin') Victory is yours! ought to say the number of the Daily Puzzle that you just solved autocopy may or may not actually work this time v1.5 2022-10-20 several internal changes - store guessesRemaining, remove currentRow, no longer do I draw and then hide future rows if you accidentally solve multiple wordles with one guess, now you get credit multiple times v1.4 2022-09-24 Resume button - still might not work in every case, but it's good enough for now improved stats - maxStreak, W-L, guessesRemaining switch from sessionStorage to localStorage (the former was cleared whenever the user tried to change a setting during a puzzle) no longer gives credit for solving the same puzzle multiple times v 1.3 2022-09-15 include changelog settings page refresh no longer adds Current to old tiles keys are a bit larger on mobile v 1.2 2022-08-31 assorted prettification postmortem looks better now, and I fixed auto-copy when the user enters a naughty word, call deleteLetter() 5 times more fun with sliders full style to go with the mobile style layout is layoutier debug toggle daily streak repeated Near letters could each be colored yellow although only one of them was in the puzzle v1.1 2022-08-24 embiggen the sliders default to 16 puzzles instead of 64 box scores make more sense now if you type half a guess then switch puzzles, you no longer get info colors for your half-guess rearrange elements to work better on phones v1.0 2022-06-07 make a checkbox to hide the button panel use the left/right arrow keys to navigate mobile style is wild hide the future guessRows, and make a lives counter v0.09 2022-04-10 press backspace on an empty row to cycle backwards at the end of the game, go ahead and show the solutions to every puzzle switched back to "hide previous guesses", because "hide previous non-yellow guesses" wasn't really doing a whole lot summary row - but just for the green letters for now v0.08 2022-04-07 I was previously hiding all of the old guesses; now I'm hiding the old, unimportant ones flip that first row sheesh use the enter key (physical or onscreen) to move to the next unsolved puzzle shrink my old guessRows share window - automatically copied to keyboard v0.07 2022-04-05 disallow solving the daily puzzle more than once go to the next puzzle when you solve the current one refresh protection actually works now hopefully v0.06 2022-04-01 checkbox to hide the old guesses refresh protection - I save all of the sessiony variables in sessionStorage v0.05 2022-03-26 switched from alert() to Will Bontrager's NewAlert() colorblind mode give each puzzle a Summary box, that looks the same(?) as that puzzle's Preview button v0.04 2022-03-22 print the actual letters on the summary boxes, both Hit and Near letters, instead of just colored squares current btn = cornflower blue, so it's easier to see which puzzle you're on adjust number of puzzles from 64 stats for the daily puzzle v0.03 2022-03-15 dark mode initial guesses slider formatting on Firefox splash page prettification v0.02 2022-03-10 Fix disappearing yellow keys postmortem seeded daily puzzle splash page favicon 2022-03-08 v0.01 - sent to Ross for the first time